Monday, September 15, 2008

Instant Stupid (Just Add Two Drops of Paranoia and a Pinch of College Professor)

The Philadelphia Inquirer has an online article written by one Catherine McNicol Stock, chair of the history department of Connecticut College, titled “Intolerance Thrives in Palin’s Pacific Northwest”. The hit-piece is an extraordinarily loopy attempt to bridge the gap between Sarah Palin’s politics and religious beliefs, and a variety of backwoods secessionists, bomb-mailing anarchists and red-neck terrorists – including the Montana Militia, Terry Nichols and Ted Kaczynski. It is a genuine bridge to nowhere, but Stock get’s an ‘A’ for effort.

Professor Stock tells us that “It has been years since groups such as the Montana Militia, the Posse Comitatus and the Sagebrush Rebels, and individuals such as Terry Nichols and Ted Kaczynski have made us wonder why so many ‘angry white men’ populated our rural regions. Many of us have forgotten the threat once posed by domestic terrorists and instead have turned our attention to foreign terrorists.”

In case you have forgotten, Stock is here to remind you. “Other groups, like the Aryan Nation, with headquarters in Hayden Lake, Idaho, actively planned to rid the United States of African Americans, Jews, and other ‘non-Aryan’ peoples. A few carried out their plans, murdering Jewish radio host Alan Berg in Denver, the Goldmark family in Seattle, an African American state trooper in Arkansas, Fish and Wildlife officials and FBI agents in Wyoming, North Dakota and Montana, and more than 160 federal employees and their children in Oklahoma City.”

Of course, Stock is a professor, so you know she’s got to make a stab at being objective: “There is no evidence that Palin was ever affiliated with white-supremacist groups during her years in Idaho or at home in Alaska.” Oh, what the hell! Let’s don’t be objective; Barry’s got an election to win. “On the other hand, the beliefs of ultraconservative, evangelical churches like her family's come dangerously close to those of the Christian Identity movement of those years. Likewise, Palin's husband was a member of a political party whose members favored secession for Alaska, suggesting an affiliation with radical antistatism.”

Can you imagine someone on the Right taking this line with Obama? “It has been years since Al Capone, Bugs Moran and Deanie O’Banion have made us wonder why so many violent gangsters populated the greater Chicago area. Many of us have forgotten the threat once posed by domestic criminals and instead have turned our attention to foreign drug lords. There is no evidence that Obama was ever affiliated with organized crime; on the other hand, the traditional reliance of many Cook County politicians on a political machine that has had the support of professional criminals comes dangerously close to the mob influence of that time.”

But, now, wait a minute; a thought occurs to me. Palin hasn’t ever been affiliated with any terrorists; yet it is in the back of my mind somewhere that a certain Democratic candidate for President has. Help me here; who could it be?


Anonymous said...

The assault on Palin by the left is hysterical, demented and paranoid.

The left has become rabid; full throttle, frothing-at-the-maouth, stark-raving mad.

The feminists are the worst. Telling her to stay at home and look after the kids!!!

How dare she have a career!

But I feel they are only ranting to the choir; Joe and Jane Blow see the madness, and will vote accordingly (fingers crossed).

Anonymous said...

What Perfesser Stock neglects to mention is that the Aryan Nations HQ at Hayden Lake was sold as the result of them losing a lawsuit; that site now functions at a higher level by receiving the end products of the bovine digestive system.

And, of greater interest, is that the new Aryan Nations HQ is now in Potter County, PA*, a mere 257 miles or so from Philadelphia.

Can we say projection? Yes, we can!

Disclosure: Stock pi$$e$ me off. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I do not like her smearing an entire region. Which, by the way, tends to vote blue, in Oregon and Washington at least. Idaho, not so much.

*: Google link provided because I know that visiting racist web sites is like grabbing a dog turd with your bare hands. I clicked on a couple, just to be sure. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

My immediate answer to your question was Ted Kennedy in his capacity as IRA fundraiser but surely he's not running this time around? Although an Obama-Kennedy ticket makes about as much sense as Obama-Biden from a new broom perspective.

Minicapt said...

You overlook the fact that four of the 'designated' states border Canada ...


kc said...

She's in Connecticut - does she have any personal experience, or is this intolerance she writes about only known to her by reading or watching documentaries?

I grew up in Montana. Though there are plenty of loonies with varying ideas of who their government is - or is not - they are generally insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The rest of the 'general population' leans toward the idea that we can take care of ourselves & our own if Uncle Sam will leave us be. The academic elites & envirowakkos, on the other hand, are making great inroads into forcing socialism on the rest.

Anonymous said...

Yet more sneering condescension from the coastal elites. So what?

I'll stack up violent crime figures from the Northwest against any of the urban hellholes of the more enlightened Northeast.