Saturday, October 11, 2008

Anything to This, Or Just Nutty Speculation?

Rumors about whether or not Obama is a native-born American have been floating around for some time, and even several conservative bloggers have claimed that the story's been debunked. I admit, I never followed the issue closely. But the guy in the video seems to make some valid points, especially about how Obama's refusal to release a number of personal records may be connected to this matter. And I'm wondering about something: what happens if he's elected and it subsequently transpires that he really wasn't eligible to run for the presidency? Does everybody just look the other way? Can you imagine the reaction if an attempt is made to remove him from office?

Color me skeptical, but curious.

Emergency Update! - Oh, Lord! Somebody with expertise in election law please help me here. If this turns out to be true and we don't find out about it until after the election, does it mean we automatically wind up with Joe Hair Plugs as President?

Update II: Some honest Democrats talk about Obama skullduggery in the Democratic caucuses.

Update III: Chicago-style politics is no longer just a bad joke.

Update IV: Congress-twit John Lewis makes the inevitable comparison between John McCain and George Wallace. BTW, if memory serves, John Lewis is the priceless ass who once said that so many blacks were thrown off of slave-ships in the old days, that sharks still ply the old slave-trade sea routes.

Last Update: Ok, it looks like the video is the same old jive. Nothing new, nothing credible.


Anonymous said...

Now now Mr Paco, can you not see that its all for The Greater Good?

P.S. How do you link properly on this blogger thing?

Anonymous said...

Paco.....don't be one of those people.

The writer of such erudite satire should not entertain the ravings of the rabid right.

These people are the truther counterpart of the conservative cause (I don't even know if you could categorise them as particularly conservative).

There is an old saying that if it is a contest between conspiracy and screw-up.....always bet on screw up.

I share your growing despair at the impending election of Obama (as an Aussie, I know what that is like with the Kruddmeister - and I ask myself "was our sacrifice in vain? did the americans learn nothing about all noise, no action?") - but you gotta hang tough fella....don't become a birth certificate nutter.

MB from Blair's place (for some reason my blogger id is not working)

Anonymous said...

Here's something which strikes me as reasonable:

Buckley jr (among others) has endorsed Obama apparently on the strength of Ob's widely praised book. But did Obama actually write the book?

Or did William (shudder) Ayers ghost-write it? The circumstantial case is surprisingly convincing:

Paco said...

Anonymous (MB): No, I'm not saying it's likely; in my opinion, this kind of thing, if true, would be too big to hide permanently, even with the MSM's complicity. And I tend to think that Obama's not releasing his personal records for other, more mundane, reasons. The reason I posted on the subject is because the video's been posted at a couple of sites that I consider respectable, and I was genuinely interested to know if anyone who did follow the story found that it added anything to what has previously been circulated; hence, the interrogative in the post title.

Anonymous said...

Paco, I thought the story about Obama's birth had been debunked as well. On the other hand, there seems to be no limits to the chicanery and deceit practiced by the Dhimmicrats.

But the rumors, they are still a flyin'. And some people are taking it well past rumors.

Anonymous said...

Update: Looks more and more like nutty speculation.

Larry Sheldon said...

There is plenty of easy to work with stuff available.

We don't need this kind of crackpot (even if true) energy wasting.

Larry Sheldon said...

Please see:

We need more in-house checking like this.

Some of this stuff makes us look silly.

Anonymous said...

I can think of a few reasons for Obama to be coy with his birth certificate that have nothing to do with citizenship.

One is perhaps the name on it is embarrasing - suppose the first name is Barry, or even more cringe inducing, the last name is not Obama but Stanley? Maybe the piece of paper just doesnt fit so well into Obama's carefully crafted public persona.

The best reason I can think of is that this makes a fine red herring. Not only does the media get to laugh sneeringly at this clown and his lawsuit, but it gives them a reason to avoid Ayers and Dorhn, Rezko, Wright and Pfleger, Raines, et. al.

Anonymous said...

Last name Durham, I meant. Jeez, what kind of parent names a girl Stanley?