Friday, December 12, 2008

A Bargain At Half the Price!

Don Surber helpfully identifies some of the dumber things Congress has seen fit to spend our money on this year.

I am still strongly inclined toward the policy my father, Old Paco, has long advocated: every now and then we should cancel the election and have a public hanging, instead. Or, if we're too squishy for justice that is quite that rough, perhaps we can at least dunk a few of these idiots in tar, scatter feathers over them and then parade them around town tied to a donkey. Or how about bringing back the pillory?

Then again, to be fair, these people weren't born into the job...


Anonymous said...

I feel that if you want to be in Congress, it's like any other volunteer wanting to serve the nation. Therefore, you should be treated like the military.

When not performing Congressional duties, you get barracks to live in, a mess hall to eat at, and clothes are provided. Other amenities, similar to what's available to the troops, are available: laundry, an exchange, cheap beer, a movie theater.

Pay would be a bit different. Raises are decided by state elections every 5 years, with an annual COLA in between. The pay scale would have to worked out somehow, but I think it ought to be tied to the military scale. Or maybe some sort of national average over the past 5 years, just to give the congresscritters a little incentive to care about the economy more.

If you serve less than 20 years you get some nice benefits. If you serve at least 20 years, you can retire on a pension.

But if you are convicted of any crime, you get NADA. In addition to serving the sentence, I mean.

But if this isn't possible, hanging works for me. Say, 5% every year, selected by lots.

Or maybe popular vote; that might be a great reality TV show: Select The Swinger! or some such.

Paco said...

RJ: Sure sounds sensible to me. That would eliminate most of the grafters who see elective office as a license to print money (for themselves).

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a lottery choose legislators for public execution. One could be exempt for the first term, but for every term you serve after that you have more chances to get selected.

And I'd like to see a Constitutional Amendment that any legislator proposing a tax increase or the imposition of user fees must be executed prior to debate on the increase. They can still raise taxes, but in order to put it on the table they're going to take one for the team.

Anonymous said...

I live in Cleveland and I want some of that taxpayer salsa!!

Minicapt said...

"But if this isn't possible, hanging works for me. Say, 5% every year, selected by lots."

No, decimation is the traditional solution.
