Friday, December 12, 2008

Mumbai: Not Just Random Murder

Robert Avrech points out that the Obama administration is likely to push the same futile "two-state" policy in the Middle East that has captivated the imaginations of generations of foreign policy know-nothings who have always believed, wrongly, that Palestinian grievances are the primary cause of Islamic violence.


Anonymous said...

Two state solution... well, the original UN resolution establishing Israel did the same for the Palis, except that they'd rather exterminate Jews than have their own state. There could have been a People's Democratic Muslim Republic of Palestine long since, if that's what they wanted.

And your mention of Mumbai brings to mind how effective the two state solution can be (although Mountbatten's two states are now three, and guess which two of them are basket cases?).

Anonymous said...

To be fair to Mountbatten though he was initially opposed to partition (being very pro Nehru - although not quite as much as his wife)and only came to support it reluctantly, courtesy of Jinnah (I will have India divided or destroyed)and Congress (who thought that a good way of assuaging Muslim concerns about being a minority in Hindu dominated India was to announce that they would see themselves as bound by any promises made pre Independence).

Partition does remain though one of the great avoidable tragedies of history and one wonders how the sub continet would look now if the borders of India stretched to Iran and Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

"...guess which two of them are basket cases?"

The US Senate and House of Representatives?

Minicapt said...

No, I think he refers to Senators Byrd and Kennedy.
