Monday, February 9, 2009


Gateway Pundit has posted a couple of fascinating pieces on the stimulus bill, which point out that, in the first place, the Congressional Budget Office has opined that the recession would end in the second half of 2009 without the bill, and in the second place, the bill is more than twelve times the size of the anticipated dip in GDP this year.

Is this the change you were voting for, Obama supporters? Were you really looking forward to ushering in European-style socialism?

Obama’s first big test as president, in my view, was to lead the way in devising a truly bipartisan bill that represented some mutually-agreeable compromise on stimulus that would benefit the economy over the short term (preferably one loaded with tax cuts). He has utterly failed to do that, by permitting Pelosi and Reid to construct the biggest slop trough in American history, and he has put himself in the forefront of this travesty by pushing the theme of “stimulus bill vs. collapse of civilization.”

Oh, and by the way; while it’s true that Republicans are currently going through a major spiritual struggle to define the party’s raison d’ĂȘtre, can we all at least agree that Collins, Snow and Specter are beyond the pale? I know, I know; it’s hard for skittish politicians to buck the raging ignorance of an increasingly large part of our population, but that’s what leadership is all about, folks.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for congress to do something” - Anonymous


Anonymous said...


Obama Supporter

Anonymous said...


An honest answer -- too bad your Noble Leader isn't quite so forthright. But then, empty suits seldom are.

...can we all at least agree that Collins, Snow and Specter are beyond the pale?

These three fools not only jumped the shark, they plunged into the water, ravished the poor creature, and cooked it for lunch.

Whether or not that makes them cannibals is debatable.

Mikael said...

Were you really looking forward to ushering in European-style socialism?

You're in for one hell of a ride if that's the case my friends.
Clench your teeth, bind yourselves to the mast, and hope for change in 2012.

Trust me, I know. Social-demokratism is not a pretty sight! The state is seen as a milking cow because more than 50 percent of the voters a depending on it, either by working for it or because they are reciving various subsidies. "Free" healtcare, "free" education, "free" goddamn anything!

Sorry, just had to rant.