Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Moderate Republicans Are Like Gnats...

...every summer there seems to be more of 'em.

Stacy McCain works out on Michael Gerson.

Also, McCain asks, "Is Rush Racist?" The short answer, of course, is "no", but read the whole article because there are some fine cogitations on liberal strategy and the fiction of "social justice" (or rather, the fiction of a workable liberal formula for social justice).

Update: A superlative roundup of comments from the vertebrate wing of the conservative movement.

1 comment:

TimT said...

Read a lot of stuff about racism from the right and left over the past couple of days. Seems to be cropping up a lot in arguments at the moment (the effect of an African American President, I guess).

And reading all these accusations and counter-accusations from right and left, I just thought: "Well, if you're absolutely certain you've got truth and justice, you won't have."

I mean, it's the perfect excuse, really, for being a judgmental bastard. Accusing other people of racism is like casting out the speck of dust in your brother's eye while ignoring the mote in your own. It's apparently a license to lecture others on their political sins.

All of which is of purely tangential relation to Mr McCain's fine piece, which makes a lot of good sense. Rant over - sorry, needed to vent.