Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hey, Barry; God Did Not Go On Vacation, And He Did Not Leave You In Charge

I have often wondered, in recent months, about the respective proportions of design and incompetence in the Obama administration. After much study, meditation and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that the incompetence, though abundant, is not the main threat; this government, rather, is little more than a political demolition derby, and Barry plans on being the only one who can drive off of the track at the end of the race. I believe that he is consciously trying to destroy America’s institutions and traditions in order to remake our country in his own image.

It is difficult to see what other conclusion one can draw from the long (and growing) list of destructive domestic and foreign policy initiatives that this arrogant regime is foisting on the United States: porkulus, cash-for-clunkers, the nationalization of health care, trillion-dollar deficits, the bullying of Israel and Honduras, the cosseting of leftist thugs, the abandonment of our commitment to the independence of eastern Europe, the coming abandonment of our war against the terrorists in Afghanistan, the truckling to the Iranian theocrats, etc., etc., ad nauseum. This is the most dangerous president in history, bar none.

One term and out, folks. Let us pray.


Yojimbo said...

Well yeah. Two terms with this guy and we may end up with one of those "president for life" elections without an honest voting pot to piss in, to paraphrase a rather old expression.

RebeccaH said...

Amen, Paco.