Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Ineradicable Stench of Failure...

...will settle on Obama's presidency if he ignores his generals and listens to - God help us! - Joe Biden on Afghanistan.


JeffS said...

Alas, Paco, it's clear that Obama does not think clearly on his decisions. The IOC debacle is a small but excellent example of that.

This does not bode well for Afghanistan. I may be surprised. I hope that I am.

richard mcenroe said...

Taking Afghanistan advice from Joe Biden is like putting Spiro Agnew in charge of mining Haiphong Harbor...

Anonymous said...

That ineradicable stench has already settled into Air Force One as it winged its' way back from Copenhagen. Don't think they'll be able to steam clean it out. But that paper weight of the little mermaid was a nifty souveiner. Biden asked for butter cookies.

Deborah Leigh

Paco said...

Deborah: Probably pretty close to the mark, there.

RebeccaH said...

I fear Joe Biden is Obama's fall-back plan: whatever Biden lets fall out of his mouth will make Obama look measured and intelligent by comparison. I think this is the best we can expect out of this administration and this president.