Wednesday, November 11, 2009


1) A fine piece on the Berlin Wall by Roger Kimball.

2) What story did Wisconsin Public Television highlight on the anniversary of the destruction of the Berlin Wall? Why, the rise and fall of Joe McCarthy, of course.

3) Camp of the Saints offers a pictorial tribute to two great conservative women.

4) What the hell is Attorney General Eric Holder up to?

5) Grouchy Old Cripple displays a subtle reminder to Democrats.

6) Chris Matthews proves, once again, that he has a mind like a steel sieve.


richard mcenroe said...

Did Wisonsin Public TV mention the Rahm Emanuel of his day, Roy Cohn/

richard mcenroe said...

Okay, fihgt lysdexia and ignore the typos in the preceding.

RebeccaH said...

What is Eric Holder up to? Oh, I'd say covering for this incompetent administration, running interference for tax-cheating, thieving members of Congress, and whitewashing (no pun intended) SEIU and Black Panther hate crimes.

RebeccaH said...

And by the way, Chris Matthews is beneath contempt.

wv: skedi: what my kids used to call spaghetti.

Bob Belvedere said...

Thanks for the link, Paco.

My local PBS station is running with an American Experience repeat of the building of the Hoover Dam [stimulus!].