Thursday, November 19, 2009

Obama Has a Biden Moment

Joe Biden has the well-deserved reputation of possessing a V-8 mouth and a two-cycle brain, but perhaps the most fascinating thing about him is that, in the steady stream of his logorrhea-driven ramblings, he occasionally says something true.

Joe’s influence over the president must be starting to kick in, because Obama uttered his own Bidenism recently. At Osan Air Base in South Korea, the president told 1,500 hundred troops, “You guys make a pretty good photo op."

Now this is a “truth” in the sense of being a very self-revelatory statement, a comment that unmasks the president’s attitude about practically everything: “It’s all about me.” Not the troops – certainly not the troops in Afghanistan – and not the war dragnet on terrorism. Sure, he made a few conciliatory remarks, thanking the troops for their service, and apparently drawing cheers when he promised to increase military pay. But the photo op quip pretty much sums up his perception of the value of the U.S. military: the troops are simply a nice prop in support of his title of Commander-in-Chief.


RebeccaH said...

He got a huge cheer when he told them he was increasing military pay. "That's what you call an applause line," he said, before boarding his jet and taking off at 4:11 p.m.

Haven't they learned by now that every promise President OMeMe makes comes with an expiration date?

richard mcenroe said...

Sir, I object!

Two-stroke engines perform useful work, unlike our Gaffers-in-Chief, who mainly emit smoke and noise with no work done.

TW: jaulsi: Virginian slang. "Jaulsi see that Prezzy-dint beclown himse'f t'day?"

richard mcenroe said...

RebeccahH -- The Fiscal Hawk To Be is going to increase military spending?

TW: repsi: what you get after a soda-pop belch.

Bob Belvedere said...

The Roman Emperors of old were known for appearing at The Senate surrounded by the Praetorian Guard to send the message: 'Defy me and you'll have to answer to these guys'. Since our Fearless Leader despises the American military and all they stand for, he, so far, is content to use them as mere props to shore-up his C-in-C bona fides. [And let us not forget he is the greatest Leader/Writer since Julius Caesar.]

Quoted from and Linked to at:

Yojimbo said...

No Richard, he'll just gut more necessary defense programs to account for the increase. Better pay, less ammo.

"Say, where are those drones that we used to count on to protect us from ambush out here?"

Yojimbo said...

And then he added.

Remember the Custer massacre where the troops lay dead on the battlefield with the dollars from their recent payday blowing all over the countryside?