Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pardon Me While I Outsource My Budgetary Responsibilities to Someone Else

I guess all that new federal spending and porkulus and everything else contributing to our gazillion-dollar deficit was just an Act of God. I mean, it’s not like Congress had anything to do with it, or the President had any veto power or anything.

The idea of creating a special commission “to tackle the nation’s fiscal problems” - which are the direct result of Congressional and presidential profligacy, for which both parties deserve blame – is ludicrous, but completely unsurprising coming from people who are congenitally unable to think outside of the bureaucratic box.

Barack Obama at the wheel. What could possibly go wrong?


JeffS said...

Just send your bills to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500, and marked to the attention of Rahm Emanuel.

Or should that be to the attention of Michelle Obama?

SwampWoman said...

Ooooh! Ooooh! I'll send my insurance bill on account of I'm a bit short of cash and the government is printing LOTS!

I'm a lil' pissed off because I heard this morning that the price tag of every single job "saved" or "created" by the budget stimulus cost $241,000. I had one of those jobs, and I want the rest of my damn MONEY because I didn't get NEAR that much.

RebeccaH said...

But Obie's gonna tell us tonight that he'll make it all better.