Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jump! Jump!

David Brooks: "Either this whole city has gone insane or I have or both. But I’m out here on the ledge and I’m not coming in the window. In my view this is no longer about health care. It’s just Democrats wanting to pass a bill, any bill, and shredding anything they have to in order to get it done. It’s about taking every sin the Republicans committed when they were busy being corrupted by power and matching it with interest."

No, just kidding, Dave. Do come back in the window. It's good to see that, every now and then, you do stir from your Obama-induced coma. Although, even on those rare occasions, you are still a bit befogged.
Barack Obama campaigned offering a new era of sane government. And I believe he would do it if he had the chance. But he has been so sucked into the system that now he stands by while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi talks about passing health care via “deem and pass” — a tricky legislative device in which things get passed without members having the honor or the guts to stand up and vote for it.
Dave, Dave, Dave. The guy's not an innocent bystander who accidentally walked in front of the Giant Washington Suck Machine. He is a big part of the problem, the key in the ignition of the socialist bullet train. Accept that fact, and you will have taken the first step on the road - the long road, in your case - to recovery.


RebeccaH said...

It's hard to give up a god, even when you discover he's got horns.

richard mcenroe said...

Barack Obama is not a victim of the system. He is its point.