Sunday, August 1, 2010

Three cheers for the Captain!

Captain Heinrichs reports that his surgery was successful and that he is back to doing curls with a baby elephant for his morning's exercise, and singing O Canada! at the top of his lungs.


JP said...

Hear! Hear! OR as you say Captain, Cheers!

JeffS said...

Hip hip! HOORAY!
Hip hip! HOORAY!
Hip hip! HOORAY!

bruce said...

Glad for you, Captain. I'm having two hernias fixed the old way - no keyholes, lots of stitches, 2 weeks apart. Had the left one done 2 weeks ago, now the right on Thursday.

So far so good.

All the best.

RebeccaH said...

Wasn't aware, Captain, but three cheers for your recovery.