Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The latest from Obama's favorite think tank

The slimy Center for American Progress attacks anti-terrorist thinkers.


RebeccaH said...

I think the credibility of organizations like the Center for American "Progress" is rapidly circling the drain.

Anonymous said...

It is surprising how many people turn a blind eye to the Islamists who inflict cruelty on their own. They disregard the facts that the Islamists have no qualms about lieing to and murdering them. The defenders are useful tools who are unable to see the blood on their hands. Silencing the opposition to gain Utopia has always been part of the game plan, in this case, a caliphate. The president of CARE state that they (Islamists) would not be happy til the black flag of Islam waved over the White House.

Deborah Leigh