Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Attack Botch

Obama's new "truth site" is already an internet joke. Moonbattery has a sample of hilarious tweets. Here's one of my favorites:
jimmiebjr Jimmie

Dear #AttackWatch. I noticed you used Media Matters and Think Progress as trusted sources. May I also recommend Dr. Seuss and peyote?


Anonymous said...

My favorite so far: Dear Attack Watch, I just noticed some people not eating their peas. Do you guys have SWAT teams?


Paco said...

Oh, yeah, that one's hilarious, too!

Yijimbo said...

My favorite is the 6 ATMs killing a job.

JeffS said...


And dropping dimes on dissenting lefties was fun as well!

John A said...

Over at
someone says he posted about a woman who claims PotUS was from Kenya. Her name is Obama...

Merilyn said...

O/T but an attack as well on Sarah Palin, Joe McGinniss has put out his book on her.

Rather nasty but remember this is the guy who moved next door to her, so he could spy on her.

Paco said...

Thanks for the tip, Merilyn.

Steve at the Pub said...

tsk tsk tsk.. Persons Attacking Comrade Obama, how can this be allowed?

RebeccaH said...

White House dweeb staffer to Obama: "Oh, yes sir, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Overwhelmingly!"

Obama: "Keep up the good work."

Dweeb: "Yes, sir, you bet, sir!" *Tugs at collar, wipes sweat off brow, dashes off to update resume*