Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not yet on the shelves of the Paco library

But soon to be, I hope. Basic Books has published The Thomas Sowell Reader.

Kevin Williamson discusses this indefatigable seeker after truth over at Commentary. A sample:
Now 81 years old, Sowell is known as a libertarian-leaning conservative, which he is, and he has a thriving sideline in debunking racial platitudes. But he is first an economist, which means he is first an observer and reporter of facts, and if those facts take him to uncomfortable places, so be it. No, the prevalence of black men in the NBA doesn’t mean that the NBA is racist, it means that reality is racist. Yes, Barack Obama and congressional Democrats really do practice the same kind of ethnic politics that resulted in the Rwandan genocide and the Sri Lankan civil war, even if they do not practice them to the same extent. Yes, affirmative action is naked racism. No, rent-control laws don’t control rent. No, gun-control laws don’t control guns. No, standardized exams are not culturally biased—but, yes, life is culturally biased.


Yojimbo said...

Yeah! Library Thursday is Back!
That rates a ten on the Yojimbo thrill-o-meter!

RebeccaH said...

I might have to get that one myself, if I can get it in Kindle form (I'm a recent convert, even though I love traditional books... fixed income, you know).