Monday, May 14, 2012


Some interesting inside baseball analysis of the Romney campaign.

Short version: “Whatever McCain did, do the opposite.”

Update: I don't remember ever hearing of Obama engaging in the kind of charitable works that Romney has quietly performed.


rinardman said...

“Whatever McCain did, do the opposite.”

With one exception: pick a true conservative running mate.

rinardman said...

About Romney's good works.

Funny how when it's his good works “But that doesn’t matter..." to a Dem strategist, but the idea he may have bullied a guy in HS has a big impact on what kind of President he would be!

JorgXMcKie said...

Obama doesn't do charitable works because that requires considering the plight of others. He's a "community organizer" which essentially means extorting tax money for "the benefit of all" which hardly meets the definition of charity.