Friday, September 7, 2012

Wanted: New presentation scheduler for the DNC, 2016

One may be pardoned for wondering if Karl Rove (or perhaps Dennis Miller) had a secret, devilish hand in picking (and scheduling) the speakers at the Democratic National Convention.

Monica Lewinsky’s rabbi - the same night as Bill Clinton.

Former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, who was apparently supplied with both a bogus southern accent, a DVD of All the King’s Men, and a large cup of coffee laced with cocaine (her performance was, shall we say, extremely animated?)

The utterly hapless John Kerry, who managed to drag the “are-you-better-off” meme into a discussion of foreign policy by pointing out that Osama bin Laden isn’t better off than he was four years ago (so, he’s just like the rest of us, John?)

And good ol’ Slow Joe Biden – who had the nerve to give a better speech than his boss (whose mediocre oratory is being roundly panned across the political spectrum today).

Oh, and I can’t forget Cardinal Dolan, whose closing prayer pretty much represented a can of gasoline and a match to some major planks in the Democratic platform.

I have never witnessed a bigger convocation of hams, gigolos, end-of-careerists, unholy rollers, decaf Bolsheviks, infanticide fans, wholesale cutpurses, mythomaniacs, estrogen-obsessed juanita-one-notes, common frauds, philanderers, race-baiters and 10th-percentile IQs as I saw on display at this year’s Democratic National Convention. If the Mental Health Association of Central Carolina wasn’t there in force, handing out brochures and coupons, then it missed a great opportunity.


rinardman said...

As I noted over on LI, Obi Wan Kenobi gave a good assesment of the DNC when he observed: "The Democrat convention. You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum & villany!"

rinardman said...

And watching Jennifer Granholm, I thought I was watching a SNL skit.

Steve Burri said...

Paco! It's the best they got!

RebeccaH said...

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling better and better about the election.

JeffS said...

Did you know that there was a mystery speaker at the DNC as well?

Minicapt said...

John Kerry as Secretary of State might might be the return of Madeline Albright.


Anonymous said...

Deborah Leigh said... Archbishop Dolan's "Holy Water" burnt the possessed, but the exorcism isn't complete. Be gone, minions of the Dark!

There goes the Christmas cards (with Mao face, no doubt) and invite for 2016.

Gregoryno6 said...

Just in case you missed it:
That all-purpose Granholm moment.