Monday, October 1, 2012

Not buying the hope and change piffle

Mabel, the official dog of Paco Enterprises, expresses disdain for the Democratic ticket.


rinardman said...

Saw a report on the local news of several R&R signs mysteriously catching fire in Carbondale, IL. The news report didn't blame Obo the Clown supporters, so I guess it was just a case of spontaneous combustion.

Carbondale has turned into a liberal cesspool since I was at SIU in the early 70s, so they obey the Liberal 1st Amendment-Free speech for me, but not for thee.

RebeccaH said...

Well done, Mabel! Good dog!

Anonymous said...

Deborah Leigh said...Forget the bone. Give that dog a steak, and a new chew toy. Hmm...Paco, there's an opportunity in this. Obama/Biden chew toys. No, not in their shape...although that would be nifty. But in the shape of one of the logo or a button. OR a bone that has the logo. Don't mind me, my brain has kicked in to storm mode.

cac said...

Not sure what I'd expected the official Paco pooch to look like but not that. Rottie or ridgeback at one extreme or pug or corgi at the other depending on how ironic you were feeling. What breed is Mabel or is she a bitzer?

Paco said...

Mabel is a beagle mix. Mixed with what, I can't say; probably some kind of terrier. But she has a beagle personality: affectionate, independent, and she can bay like a fox hound.