Friday, January 11, 2013

God apparently went on vacation and left Michael Bloomberg in charge

Or so hizzoner thinks. His latest diktat involves a directive to city hospitals to limit the availability of painkillers.

I guess New Yorkers who use the services of city hospitals will just have to bite on a bullet. Oh, wait…


bruce said...

What a strange speech. I've trained as a nurse, and we (in NSW Australia) have a whole military-style chain of command to deal with restricting access to addictive prescription drugs. Developed by trial and much error over the past 40 years - I'm sure some of that innovation came from the USA too. And that he's oversimplifiying. What, he's only just discovered this problem? Sound amateurish.

SwampWoman said...

Just another power grab. He is laughably inadequate at his job, so he's decided that he needs to micromanage actual competent people in fields in which he has zero expertise.

bruce said...

Well said SwampW, that's what I was thinking too but didn't fit it in.

Sounds like he has no idea at all how ordinary people live, or ordinary medical services operate too.

RebeccaH said...

If Bloomberg can overrule the professional judgment of trained medical staff, then NYC is well and truly screwed.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure competing hospitals outside of New York love this. People from across the country and around the world used to go to New York cash in hand for superior medical treatment. Now I'm sure they're having second thoughts and will go elsewhere.