Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Clown shortage?


Somehow I’m finding this hard to believe.


rinardman said...

I would place the blame squarely at the oversized clownshoes of the Clown in Chief - Obo the Clown.

Young people see him in action, and say "No way I could top that! Why try?"

RebeccaH said...

Exactly. The whole of our political leadership is one big clown show.

Anonymous said...

Deborah... I think it' s more a case of a village of idiots because clowns have a purpose. Seeing Michelle as Clarabelle to Obama as Bozo just doesn't work for my fond memories.

In the past, clowns were the hosts of kiddy tv shows, but there does't seem to be any today. So it isn't surprising that kids don't go into the professon.

kc said...

Congress...a large portion of the judiciary...most city councils...any boss or employee of any public union...and have you checked out the major OR minor universities - faculty AND student body - recently?

I don't see a problem...

Paco said...

KC: Sounds like oversupply to me.

kc said...

Me, too, Paco, me, too...

And ain't many of 'em funny at ALL!